
Narratives of in-betweenness

Amalia Mondragón y Tereso Perfecto Contreras bring new narrative dimensions to their native tristate borderlands through a live musical and cultural performance.

Image by: Joel Salcido

The Mexico/US borderlands are often associated with pain, barrenness, violence, militarization, migrants and death — depictions that lead to one-dimensional views, dehumanization, yellow journalism and the co-opting of border narratives.

Amalia Tereso reclaim the borderland narrative through a multi-genre musical performance that explores gender fluidity, identity, xenophobia, migration, and life in the Chihuahuan Desert through the eyes and heart of the two-spirit artist.


Amalia Tereso perform a live “mixtape for the modern playlist age,” evoking the Transfronteriz experience through lyrics, language, music, storytelling and emotional soundscapes. Open to audiences of all ages, attendees will walk away with a sense of connection and community.

Each performance empowers audiences to:

  • Explore two-spirit narratives

  • Dismantle negative border narratives

  • Honor the diverse body forms of the border

  • Amplify diverse and inclusive border narratives

  • Gain a broader worldview of all borderlands

Amalia Mondragón / Tereso Perfecto Contreras

(She/He/They) is a queer two-spirit, Latin Grammy-nominated, vocalist/songwriter and producer from the Chihuahuan desert borderlands of El Paso- Texas, Ciudad Juárez- Chihuahua Mexico, and La Union-New Mexico. Mondragón Contreras is in the final stages of completing an album funded by NALAC and The FORD FOUNDATION through the Border Narrative Change grant.